Manipur in History: Reflection on the Forbidden Polity
The Shillong Accord 1949 (Warning: These images CANNOT be reproduced in any form or size without written permission from the RKCS Gallery) “ In the great galaxy of heroes in the imperishable roll of honour there were, there are now and there will never cease to be, beloved Manipuri names testifying to the fact that our people would rather die unsullied than outlive the disgrace of surrender to any measure that may work prejudicial to the preservation of the separate entity of the State, while fostering the good and cordial relations with the Dominion of India. I am confident that the Members of the Assembly will please see that this fair record is never broken ” (The inaugural speech by Maharaja Bodhchandra at the first session of the Manipur Assembly on 18th October 1948, from Resistance , 26 September 1978) Looking back in the mist of history, one cannot resist but argue that trajectory of modern political history of Manipur could have taken a different direction, had the Gov...